4 Editions Per Year
Subscribe to PowerLineman Magazine TODAY!
From $12 per year
Our Quarterly publication is delivered each season.
International linemen welcome!
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What's Inside?
Each edition highlights topics you care about:
Spring Edition = Education: Colleges & Training, Recruiting
Summer Edition = Tools & Equipment
Fall Edition = International Rodeo
Winter Edition = Buyer’s Guide and Rodeo Results

Byron Dunn
PowerLineman Magazine - About Us
In the Fall of 2002, Powerlineman ® Publishing, LLC created the Powerlineman ® Magazine. With a current circulation of approximately 18,000 magazines, this publication was created to connect the professional powerlineman with articles relating to:
- Workplace safety
- Commentary and editorial content on issues important and relevant to the journeymen linemen
- Updates from events such as rodeos
- Reviews and announcements of cutting edge products from various equipment and material manufactures
- Power Industry Company profiles.
As a quarterly publication, many of the article ideas or content comes directly from the linemen themselves; this strengthens our community of lineman by providing stories and reports right from the field.
It is our goal to continue to provide a publication that is informative, educational and entertaining to the men and women of the power industry.
Sound like something you would like to connect with? Visit the Powerlineman® Magazine Subscription page to begin receiving your copy today!
For advertising opportunities, please visit the Powerlineman ® Magazine advertiser's page for important details.