It’s not the day you top out
It’s not the first bad job you catch
But there is a moment
It’s hard to explain
You become aware
You see line work from a different point of view
You become responsible for the job
Doesn’t mean you’re the boss
Doesn’t mean you’re in charge
Worked with a lot of men that held a ticket
Saw men who the job was only a pay check
Watched employees with fear in their eyes
Just because you are in the trade
Doesn’t make you a lineman
Just because you are part of a team
Doesn’t make you a member of the team
Just because you hired out as a Foreman
Doesn’t make you a foreman
But there’s a moment
When it all changes
When there is a switch That you control
You’re not a lineman at home
You’re not a lineman at church
You’re not a lineman on vacation
But lineman walk different
Lineman talk different
Lineman look thru eyes from old souls
The moment is different for everyone
Once you become a lineman
You will have your own moment
Destiny will either embrace
Or Destiny will lead you away
But I can promise you will forever remember
The Moment
Thomas Palmer - Lineman